Pas Yisroel List

Pas Yisroel List For 5784- 2024

Pas Yisroel – The Staple of Life

The Gemara (Avodah Zara 35B) tells us that chazal prohibited the bread of a non-jew. The reason for this enactment was out of concern that we engage in eating, drinking and socializing, which may lead to intermarriage and the serving of idolatry. The original enactment forbid all breads, whether from a commercial baker (pas palter) or an individual (pas akum). Later on, part of that enactment was rescinded. According to ashkinazim, the bread of the commercial baker became permitted. However, during Aseres Yemei Teshuva the custom as mentioned in Shulchan Aruch (Chap.473) is to be stringent and to only use commercially baked goods where a Jew participated in the baking process.

Below are some practical points:
  • This refers only to items baked from the five grains: wheat, oats, spelt, barley and rye (not rice or corn).
  • Pasta products are not considered bread items.
  • Breakfast Cereals, Pancakes – In order to be considered in the bread family, besides being from the five grains mentioned above, it must have the “form” of bread” (צורת הפת) . There is a difference of opinion concerning how to categorize these items.
  • Cakes, wraps, pies, pretzels and crackers are considered bread family foods.
  • Doughnuts – This is a cooked dough which retains it’s shape. Two opinions are cited in Shulchan Aruch (168:13) as to whether it is still considered a bread product.
  • Bread Croutons, Bread Crumbs – Are considered bread
  • Granola Bars – are not considered a bread item according to most opinions.
The following products are pas yisroel:

Amnon’s – pizza

Angel – pita bread – when bearing CRC Hisachdus

Angel’s Bakery – all baked goods under Badatz

Bakol – when bearing CRC Hisachdus

Beigel’s – all baked goods under Badatz

Bloom’s – all baked goods under the supervision of Rabbi Teitelbaum, Volover Rav

Carmit – wafers, certified by Badatz

Chopsies Pizza – when bearing Star-K

Country Cookies & Cakes – certified by Badatz

Dagim – all products certified by CRC Hisachdus

Dr. Praeger’s – Fishies lightly breaded, fish sticks, fish cakes, pizza bagels

Dee Best Baked Goods – when bearing CRC Hisachdus

Elite – wafers, certified by Badatz

Galil – All baked goods under Tartikov Bais Din

Gefen – all baked goods under the supervision of Rabbi Teitelbaum, Volover Rav

Glicks – all products certified by CRC Hisachdus

Golden Fluff – cookies, animal crackers

Golden King Pita – when bearing CRC Hisachdus

Gusto Buono Pasta – when under Rabbi Weismandel

Haddar – all baked goods under the supervision of Badatz or CRC Hisachdus.

Jason – bread crumbs when stating on package pas yisroel

Jeff Nathan – panko crumbs when stating on package pas yisroel

Kedem – tea biscuits, crackers, cookies

Kemach – snackers , when Pas Yisroel is written on the label

Kitov – Bread Sticks OU

Kosherific– crunchy fishsticks

Lieber’s – all baked goods under the supervision of Rabbi Weismandel, Nitra Rav

Macabee – pizza, pizza bagels, breaded eggplant, breaded mushroom, mozzarella sticks

Man – wafers

Manamin – wafers

Manischewitz – matzoh and tam tam products

Manumit – wafers, certified by Badatz

Meal Mart – chicken nuggets

Mishpacha – all baked goods under the supervision of Rabbi Teitelbaum, Nirbater Rav

Mon Cuisine – certified by Rabbi Teitelbaum, Volover Rav

Old Williamsburg – Pizza Bagels, under the CRC Hisachdus

Oneg – snacks, when bearing CRC Hisachdus

Osem – all Israeli products certified by the OU & Badatz

Ostreicher – all baked products under the supervision of the New Square Beis Din

Pas – All baked goods under Tartikov Bais Din

Paskesz – all baked goods under the supervision of Rabbi Gruber or Rabbi Westheim z”l

Pereg Bread Crumbs – when bearing CRC Hisachdus

Pizza on the 9 – when bearing KCL

Pressels – Badatz

Pretzilla – when bearing Tartikov Bais Din

Reisman’s Cakes – when bearing CRC Hisachdus

Schwartz – Pretzels CRC Hisachdus

Shibolim – all baked goods under Badatz

Shneider’s – all products certified by CRC Hisachdus or Rabbi Schneebalg

Shwartz – all products certified by CRC Hisachdus

Stern’s – when bearing CRC

Ta’amti – all products under the supervision of Rabbi Weismandel, Nitra Rav

Tofutti Cuties – when bearing Chof-K

Trader Joe’s – chocolate babka, half moon cookies

Unger’s – all products under the New Square Beis Din

Please note: Breaded products i.e. fish, chicken nuggets, are usually made with real breading.